I’m feeling as though I’m in the midst of a breakthrough.

I was going to write something about being a butterfly, fully formed after years of being in the darkness, now breaking out of a chrysalis. But honestly, I’ve felt like that many times in my life.

So, maybe that’s the wrong metaphor. Maybe it’s more like a flower, slowly blooming—and with every petal that unfolds, I see more glimpses of who I truly am. But instead of one day becoming a fully formed flower, the petals continue to grow… like a perpetual never-ending evolution.

I've realised that growth doesn’t just stop when a new lesson has been learned. It’s the human experience to continually expand; and to find new parts of ourselves that we never knew existed. That’s my latest "aha" moment—something I knew already but didn’t KNOW until I felt it within my soul. Oh right, THAT’s what that truly means.

This new phase that I can feel pressing upon me, it calls me to just allow myself to just BE who I am. I’ve always been searching for more, yearning to do more and be more. I’m often so caught up in the to-do lists that I leave myself behind, I forget that I am enough already. Trying to be different that what I actually am—that takes a lot of energy. Only seeing what’s lacking in myself—well, that is freaking tiring. And, I know, my energy is now needed elsewhere.

I feel the call to stop striving for the “what comes next?” and just allow it to flow naturally. To simply “be” who I am. To implement. To surrender. To allow. To give. To teach. It’s been a looooong lesson.

Anyway, that’s how I’m feeling… like a flower always unfolding.

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