Why is it so scary to bare your soul? For me, it’s because everything has been put out there — every piece of who you are unhidden and ready to be looked at. What will people find if they are really looking at me, all of me? Will they see something they don’t like? Will they feel the need to tell me what is wrong or broken or silly or yuck? Will I be ignored? Laughed at? Talked about secretly?

Once something vulnerable is out there, you can’t take it back. You can’t cover it up and pretend it hasn’t been said or done.

And so really, as Brene Brown says it, vulnerability is strength. It has to be. To show people parts of you that you’ve once kept in the shadows, to show fear, to show love, to show brokenness… even though that something can be taunted... that is strength.

Knowing all of that, then, why not consider this: If it’s out there... if you’ve taken the step to share something that feels scary — it may as well be FULLY out there. Unapologetic. Daring. Brave. Passionate. Right? If it’s there regardless, then we may as well own it.
