Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe


You hear it a lot, “your vibe attracts your tribe”. We see the effects of this saying when we find others who like the same things as us, who believe the same things, who dream the same dreams.


For a while now, I’ve been supported by, inspired by, and felt a connection with two dear friends of mine. Our likes, beliefs, and dreams often seemed to be on the same trajectory. When one of them brought forward her idea, that the three of us should collaborate, it made absolute perfect sense.



It was so easy that it’s almost laughable. All each of us had to do was be ourselves and share what we liked, believed, dreamed. And boom, there’s a tribe.

This isn’t just about us, though. Because our dream isn’t just exclusive. Our dream is to create a sisterhood for all the like-hearted women out there who desire this kind of community.

We would love anyone who resonates with this to join us. We are beginning the journey on Instagram.

Follow @wildivysisterhood on Instagram to be a part of the magic and community.