3/52: SMILE

The prompt for this week was simply “smile”. To think about something that makes you happy and capture that moment.

It could be: Your sweet puppy dog. The way the light shines through leaves right before it sets. Your child’s giggles echoing through the house. The way someone has said I love you. The scrumptious dinner you’ve had recently. Friends who get you. Breath. Sunshine. Life.

Whatever it is that makes you happy, we had to capture ourselves in the bliss of it.

This is me, thrilled with a haircut. Outwardly, that may seem superficial, but it’s more than that, it’s what the haircut represents. It makes me feel fresh and new and reflects the change I’ve felt within myself recently.

A big change. A hello-here-I-am change. A change that’s subtle to the observer, but on the inside I feel cracked wide open, as thought I’ve finally fallen into myself. The me I’ve always meant to be.

She’s always been close - this version of me - and yet often just out of reach. Like I’m barely a few steps behind. Close enough to feel and know and imagine, but never exactly fully a part of me.

But now, she’s here, integrated and ready. And so, to showcase what I feel on the inside, here’s a big change on the outside.

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𝙽̶𝙴̶𝚆̶ 𝚈̶𝙴̶𝙰̶𝚁̶, 𝙽̶𝙴̶𝚆̶ 𝙼̶𝙴̶


The only resolution I’m doing is to live more in my truth. To accept everything I am, right now.

Because, ironically, that is the only way to grow.

Wanting to be better or to be something different than what you are, only holds you back. You can only BE the best version of yourself, if you LIVE as yourself, fully and unapologetic.

And so, 2021 is the year for TRUTH.

Let’s start with it then. Here’s the honest-to-God truth… This photo isn’t the one I had envisioned.

I had an idea, a concept, it was supposed to spark something whimsical inside the viewer, it was supposed to showcase the light I have within, my truth within. But none of them felt real.

This one was taken when I had given up all hope on a conceptual image — I stripped everything back. This is me, pure and simple. A little frustrated. But honest. Take me as I am, or leave.

My year of truth is this: I am myself, fully and completely. I won’t change to suit anyone. I speak my heart. I voice what I need to.

Here. I. Am. In truth.

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Instagram models. Is that all I need to say for you to know what I’m talking about. You know the ones. They pretend their image is candid like they’re unaware that a photo is being taken as if it’s real life, but of course it has been perfectly posed. Then you get amazing people like Celeste Barber, who brings reality to the image by re-creating it with how it really looks for most people.

I love how she and other people do these. It shows true humanity. It helps us see ourselves in other people and not be blinded by some unattainable and unrealistic being. Real life. It also brings us down to earth and know that we are fine just the way we are. Perfectly imperfect.

Here’s my version of Instagram vs Reality. New Years intention setting. I’ve got my pen and notebook, I’ve got my cup of tea, and I’ve got a view out the window. It’s time to contemplate and journal.

The first photo is posed. I’m all too aware of my leg placement and turning my face to the camera and sitting up straight.

The second photo is how it really looks. Complete with hunched back, zoned out expression, and bared cellulite.

It’s easy to take pretend photos. It’s also just as easy to take real ones. What’s hard is knowing the difference. Especially when we compare ourselves with other people’s pretend versions.


52 of You Project

In 2011, I took part in a self-portrait challenge, where I took one self portrait a week for 52 weeks. On a whim, I began it again for 2021. But this time, I’m leading a group of inspiring humans, each desiring to grow through this project.

Back when I started the first time, which feels like eons ago, I unwittingly kickstarted myself into significant self-discovery. With each portrait I found something deep about myself, bringing internal life lessons into visual reality form.

If you’d like to explore parts of yourself more — from the outside all the way in through to the heart of you,— consider joining us.

You don’t need to be a fancy photo taker, you just need to have an open mind and see further than what the eye does... meaning, you enjoy seeking the metaphors to get to the truth and heart of you.

Join our Facebook group to receive weekly prompts and photography tips. It’s a private and safe group where we share for fun and encouragement.

You in?